The Name of Jesus is the most powerful Word that can rest on our lips. It heals sickness, encourages the faint-hearted, empowers the weak, and grants salvation to those who call upon it. The Name is the source of our identity, the responsibility we bear, the proof of our authenticity, and the basis for our liberty. It is the best Word we can utter in times of trouble and in times of prosperity. It is the Word which carries us through times of complete darkness and energizes us when we grow weary. The Name of Jesus is the one Word we can cry out when we are left speechless by our situation. 

It is in the Name that we find great power and authority.

While I have been living in Sydney for the past two and half weeks I have come across a number of emotions. I have been living in perpetual amazement, for the beauty and grandeur of the City has yet to fade. I have been excited just about every moment, for each step I take leads me towards a new adventure. I have experienced moments of overwhelming loneliness, even when surrounded by friendly faces. I have felt scared, enthusiastic, anxious, happy, shy, confident, worn out, lost, accepted… There have been few emotions that I have not come into contact with since this journey began.

And each of these emotions is met with the Name of Jesus.

Words often fail. They usually don't express the fullness of what they describe. They are spoken clumsily and mistakenly misunderstood. They are human in nature, and therefore imperfect and incomplete. But there is One Word which we can speak with total confidence and unimaginable power.  There is One Word which will never fail us.


Oh what a beautiful Name! Oh what a wonderful Word!

It is with the Name of Jesus that I can overcome my loneliness, fear, and anxiety. The Name of Jesus increases my enthusiasm, completes my joy, and builds my confidence. The Name of Jesus centers me and brings me to a familiar place when I am lost. The Name of Jesus gives me rest and energy when I am worn down. The Name of Jesus pulls me back in when I begin to wander away. Oh the Name of Jesus! It's such a powerful name.