If clouds are blocking the sun, there will always be a silver lining that reminds me to keep on trying.
There are few things I like better than reaching a state of peace that is so overwhelming that it feels as if I am floating on a cloud, dreaming while awake, or living outside myself in surreal and unimaginable contentment. It is not often that I reach this sort of peace, but when I come across an exceptionally good movie, book, thought, or experience I am spun into a sleepy state of musing that lasts long into the night and leads me to think romantically of the beauties and thrills which life offers.

I was spun into one such state of peace tonight after watching The Silver Linings Playbook. The last time I had watched a movie this good was back in December when I sat cozily in a theatre chair, completely spellbound by the film Life of Pi. While these two movies share very little, if anything, in common, they were able to entrance me in such a way that led me to believe that I myself had experienced the story I had just watched or that the characters were somehow within my own soul or walking beside me through the very real joys and sufferings I had been going through at the time. This sounds crazy, but let's face it, that's what a good story does.

While I have been dreamily musing about the film I just enjoyed, I pondered on the very real and powerful subject of hope. Hope has been something I have been afraid of the last couple of weeks. It's not that I am completely hope-less or "down in the dumps" or something, but I haven't been invested in hope. What I mean is, I've been wasting my time invested in my own issues and have had no room for hope. This has led me to be consumed with some very ugly and unwanted emotions, such as bitterness, anger, jealousy, fear, contempt, and un-forgiveness.

There is a good chance that many of you reading this know that I deal with a lot of anger issues that I want no part in but that have been a constant companion these last few months and have been like a nasty next-door neighbor these last couple of years. I also battle insecurity and the tendency to overreact, especially when it comes to things or people that threaten me in some way. Overtime I have built up quite the callous on my heart, which at first was there to guard me from getting burned, but as time went on and I experienced betrayal, disappointment, confusion, and pain from people and things which I had at one time loved and trusted, my callous turned into an ugly, unreasonable, and unforgiving wall. When threats came into my life and struck me in my areas of insecurity I was thrown into a state of burning anger which led to intense bitterness, overreacting behavior, and fierce hatred towards that which hurt me.

I have been pretty sick of all this for a while now, and I have been fighting to figure out a way to put an end to my weaknesses and soften my overly calloused heart. Strategies were put into action, time was devoted to meditation in an attempt to refocus and change, and countless prayers were lifted up, but nothing seemed to stick.

And then something happened. It wasn't some significant event in time. I actually don't remember what day it was or what I was doing or even if it happened at a single moment or over a period of time, but I know something has changed because I am finally moving towards restoration. What happened was this: I had lot's of realizations.

I realized that it doesn't help to wallow in my fear or let my mind wander into all the times in the past that I have been burned. The more I focused on the bad things that had happened to me, the more I lived in fear of threats that are not realities, and the more I grew unforgiving and bitter. My anger spells grew more frequent, my rage became untamable. I was not having the best of times.

But Jesus pulled me back in.*

He reminded me that the more I focus on whatever is good, noble, right, pure, trustworthy, honorable, excellent, and lovely the more I will grow in gentleness, humility, patience, kindness, goodness, self-control, joy, peace, love, and faithfulness. When these things are incorporated into my life, my struggles with anger, rage, bitterness, and fear will (and have already begun to) melt away. When threatening thoughts or realities come my way, I don't have to spin into another episode of crazy anger. Instead I can calmly say, "I trust Jesus and I love Him. I know He's got my back." 

This lesson is just beginning to settle in, and it's triggering all sorts of simple yet extraordinary revelations. Now when I sing to myself, "When I don't understand, I will choose You. When I don't understand, I will choose to love you God," I really mean it. No, I don't understand most things most days, but that doesn't change my ability to love my bestest friend in the whole wide world and sweetly remind myself of the goodness I can share and experience when I choose to think about Him instead of me. I no longer have to play the victim and pity myself when I am faced with threats. Instead I can push those thoughts out of my head and think upon all things excellent and praiseworthy. I no longer have to behave according to the flesh. Instead I can step into the fruits of the Spirit.

I no longer have to be consumed with darkness. Instead I can be invested in hope!

So there you have it, I've got my silver lining. I've got lot's of hope to hold on to. I love all of these thoughts so much and I have greatly enjoyed processing things through these blog posts. I doubt anyone even reads them, since they drag on and on nearly ever time. But for those of you who do happen to read this, thank you for listening. Even if it makes no difference in anyone's life, it makes all the difference to me. I'm on the fast track to healthiness, and I love it!

*Yay! Yay! Yay! Oh how He is good and always faithful to pull me back in to him :)

I have a reckless ambition to run.

I keep moving from place to place but I can't seem to find where I belong. I'm so unsettled and discontent with life here and I desperately want to move into a fuller and more abundant life and finally find a place where I can rest and be at home. It's not that I don't have a purpose or that I can't enjoy the things that I do each day, but I feel stuck in some way. Stuck in all sorts of in-betweens. I know that I have a purpose, I know that Christ brings me abundant life, I know that my home is not of this world. But that doesn't mean I don't feel stuck or that I don't struggle to live within Christ's abundance. Life's hard and it's not going to get easier any time soon.

Some days are better than others though. For example, I had one of the best days I've ever had in my life yesterday. I got to spend Sunday night with two of my dearest friends, staying up till three in the morning laughing until we couldn't laugh anymore and finding time in between all our giggles to spill our hearts out to one another. The next day we visited the camp we all worked at last summer and connected with the much beloved returning counselors. Every moment was filled with the most beautiful display of godly community as we shared our joys and pains, our triumphs and trials, and created new memories that we can forever hold in our hearts. Yesterday I felt like I was where I belong. I was where I was supposed to be. The people I love so much are my home.

Unfortunately those people are not around all the time. In fact, none of them live in my town or go to my school. So when I don't have the incredible opportunity to go "home" how do I escape my feelings of being stuck?

I run.

I run and run and run and try to find new places where I can belong. I ran to Ohio. I ran to the beach. I ran to Disney World. I ran to dance and books and music. And now I'm running to Australia. Maybe I shouldn't keep running for the sake of running, maybe I shouldn't keep trying to escape. Maybe I should find a way of not getting tired of people and places and just learn to find my home within me so that it's always there and I don't need to be somewhere or with someone to be at peace. But maybe not...

I think this is my problem--I love running away. I love finding new adventures. I love experiencing new places and meeting new faces. I love the thrill of adventure and the intensity of trials. I love being stretched to the point of breaking down, because I know that in the end running hard will bear much fruit and being broken opens up the door to being restored.

So which is better? Staying back and keeping it all together? Or running away and getting into all sorts of adventures? I've chosen Australia, I've chosen to run. Adventure here I come!!!

Some glimpses of the many adventures I've had the past couple of weeks!