The day after my college graduation I drove away from the sleepy town of Cedarville to meet my family in a neighboring town before heading home. It was a beautiful day, with a sweet, hazy warmth already filling the morning air and bright green fields stretching out on either side of the country road. The sky was covered by a sheet of thin cloud that was seeping out sunlight through its many patches, and I couldn't help but think how emblematic it was of my last four years.

Like every other student, I went through fire and rain during my college chapter. When I see the girl on my freshmen ID, I have a hard time believing it's the same person staring back at me in the mirror. There have been more changes than I care to remember and more growth than I deserved to experience. Looking back on all I've gone through is kind of like looking at the sky on my last drive away from Cedarville. There seems to be a sheet of thin cloud blurring the details, yet there are countless patches through which the sun shines perfect clarity on certain events. No matter what angle I take, I see that above the hazy layer of cloud, God's plans remained ever-present, and even in the times when there were no patches for the sun to seep through, his light was in the distance, waiting for a chance to shine down upon me.

Perhaps this is how life always was, how it always will be.

Realizing this truth was tough because it came with certain implications. It means that it is my constant responsibility to work hard to make patches for God's light to shine through. It means I cannot settle down quietly under the clouds. It means I am not allowed to accept a life lived in the shadows. It means I can never stop seeking out God and listening to his will, even when cloud is all I can see.

Just because there is darkness overhead does not mean we are justified in turning a blind eye to the Sun.

This is much easier said than done. While it is true that the current season has brightness all around it, there is a dark cloud looming overhead bringing with it all sorts of fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of the future, fear of a career, fear of returning home, fear of moving away, fear of settling, fear of lethargy, fear of new communities, fear of never amounting to a somebody… 

These are some pretty problematic fears for a college grad, and believe me, I'm not making any of them up! How am I supposed to become something in the world when I'm only twenty-one? You'd think I'd learn some pointers in college, but let's be real, I was too busy enjoying myself, and I'm not about to apologize for that. Instead, I'm going to tell myself (and the rest of you college grads who think you're better than me because you're pretending you don't share my fears) to keep my eyes on the horizon and work hard to seek out those patches of light. 

The sun doesn't rise by the snap of God's fingers. Instead, it's a process; a very long and beautiful process that most people don't experience enough because it is quite an endeavor to get up that early. It takes a lot of effort to take this messy, weird, painstakingly long process called "life" and turn it into something of value, something worth being proud of.

The reality is, I'm not going to leave home and start my dream career right away. I'm not going to fit perfectly into my community or set up a new family immediately after college. I'll never achieve all my goals, because I'll always be creating new ones. I'm not going to have all the character traits I desire all of a sudden nor will I ever become a "somebody," because apart from Christ, all of us are nobodies. But that doesn't mean I'm a failure or that I need to be afraid of any of these unknowns. It means that I need to trust that life is a process--a slow, steady sunrise that fills the cloudy sky with beautiful patches of light. 

If life can be as beautiful as that sky was on my last drive away from Cedarville, then I've got nothing to worry about. With every season, there is the promise of a gorgeous view, so there's no need to get stuck in the shadows of the clouds.

"Remember not the former things,
nor consider the things of old.
Behold, I am doing a new thing;
now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert."

-Isaiah 43: 18-19
Two Thousand Fourteen.

This will be a year to remember. A year teeming with new opportunities and overflowing with abundant life. The good plans that God has prepared for this year is waiting in the wings, just dying for us to walk in them center stage (Eph. 2:10).

I learned a lot of lessons in Two Thousand Thirteen. The path I am currently walking is completely different than the one I had expected to be walking this time last year. I had no idea that on January 5, 2014 I would be living off-campus, driving a Subaru Forrester, have spent four months abroad, be single, or be applying to missionary programs for post-graduation. I thought I had everything figured out and that my plans were sufficient to please God, but boy was I wrong. I thought that I was happy, but I really had no idea what true happiness was. I thought I had faith in God, but I've learned I still have so little comprehension of what faith is or the power it has. I could go on and on about the things that I thought I knew and tell you how God has taught me differently, but we would be here all day.

Instead, I want to talk about some resolutions. 

I resolve to take every moment captive and not let a day go by wasted. I resolve to make positivity the backbone of my attitude. I resolve to cast away fear and claim the power of the Spirit who lives inside of me. I resolve to see the world through the eyes of my Creator. I resolve to put romance on hold and learn how to let my Savior's love be enough. I resolve to push the boundaries of this world and break down the guards I have put up all my life. 

I resolve to have life and have it abundantly.

After all, that's why Jesus came to earth as our Savior. He doesn't want us to be destroyed. He won't let us be stolen (John 10:10). He won't stop chasing us till our days are over. If we don't see this--if we don't take hold of his promises--then we have completely missed life. It's not that walking with Jesus makes life all peachy-keen, it's that walking with Jesus makes us people worth being alive. You could be cheated on, betrayed by your friends, stripped of your home, diagnosed with a fatal disease, fired from your job, or left for dead, and goodness could still be filling every moment of your life. The goodness God has prepared for us to walk in is not circumstantial. It doesn't come in a tangible form. Instead it comes through Character. Integrity. Nobility. Honesty. Faithfulness. Righteousness. Optimism. Graciousness. Love.

These are the things we ought to be focusing on. These are the things that set the members of Christ's body apart. These are the things that make life good and worth living. Perfect joy and perfect peace are available, even amongst the horrors and tragedies that darken each day. So forget the former things. Leave the old way of living behind. Step out of the shadows and into the light. God is doing a new thing, can't you see it? He can turn the wilderness into a thriving metropolis and he can make the barren desert a land bursting with new waters (Isaiah 43:18-19).

Two Thousand Fourteen is a land bursting with new waters. Let this be THE year of all years.
The Name of Jesus is the most powerful Word that can rest on our lips. It heals sickness, encourages the faint-hearted, empowers the weak, and grants salvation to those who call upon it. The Name is the source of our identity, the responsibility we bear, the proof of our authenticity, and the basis for our liberty. It is the best Word we can utter in times of trouble and in times of prosperity. It is the Word which carries us through times of complete darkness and energizes us when we grow weary. The Name of Jesus is the one Word we can cry out when we are left speechless by our situation. 

It is in the Name that we find great power and authority.

While I have been living in Sydney for the past two and half weeks I have come across a number of emotions. I have been living in perpetual amazement, for the beauty and grandeur of the City has yet to fade. I have been excited just about every moment, for each step I take leads me towards a new adventure. I have experienced moments of overwhelming loneliness, even when surrounded by friendly faces. I have felt scared, enthusiastic, anxious, happy, shy, confident, worn out, lost, accepted… There have been few emotions that I have not come into contact with since this journey began.

And each of these emotions is met with the Name of Jesus.

Words often fail. They usually don't express the fullness of what they describe. They are spoken clumsily and mistakenly misunderstood. They are human in nature, and therefore imperfect and incomplete. But there is One Word which we can speak with total confidence and unimaginable power.  There is One Word which will never fail us.


Oh what a beautiful Name! Oh what a wonderful Word!

It is with the Name of Jesus that I can overcome my loneliness, fear, and anxiety. The Name of Jesus increases my enthusiasm, completes my joy, and builds my confidence. The Name of Jesus centers me and brings me to a familiar place when I am lost. The Name of Jesus gives me rest and energy when I am worn down. The Name of Jesus pulls me back in when I begin to wander away. Oh the Name of Jesus! It's such a powerful name.
Here are some photographs from my trip to New Hampshire last week. It was one of the greatest vacations I've had up there! The house was nothing compared to Gale Cottage, our much beloved mountain home, which is no longer availbe to rent. Someday I will buy Gale Cottage and live in the most perfect dream, hiking mountains, catching trout, creek stomping, and sitting by the fire playing bananagrams with my family
If clouds are blocking the sun, there will always be a silver lining that reminds me to keep on trying.
There are few things I like better than reaching a state of peace that is so overwhelming that it feels as if I am floating on a cloud, dreaming while awake, or living outside myself in surreal and unimaginable contentment. It is not often that I reach this sort of peace, but when I come across an exceptionally good movie, book, thought, or experience I am spun into a sleepy state of musing that lasts long into the night and leads me to think romantically of the beauties and thrills which life offers.

I was spun into one such state of peace tonight after watching The Silver Linings Playbook. The last time I had watched a movie this good was back in December when I sat cozily in a theatre chair, completely spellbound by the film Life of Pi. While these two movies share very little, if anything, in common, they were able to entrance me in such a way that led me to believe that I myself had experienced the story I had just watched or that the characters were somehow within my own soul or walking beside me through the very real joys and sufferings I had been going through at the time. This sounds crazy, but let's face it, that's what a good story does.

While I have been dreamily musing about the film I just enjoyed, I pondered on the very real and powerful subject of hope. Hope has been something I have been afraid of the last couple of weeks. It's not that I am completely hope-less or "down in the dumps" or something, but I haven't been invested in hope. What I mean is, I've been wasting my time invested in my own issues and have had no room for hope. This has led me to be consumed with some very ugly and unwanted emotions, such as bitterness, anger, jealousy, fear, contempt, and un-forgiveness.

There is a good chance that many of you reading this know that I deal with a lot of anger issues that I want no part in but that have been a constant companion these last few months and have been like a nasty next-door neighbor these last couple of years. I also battle insecurity and the tendency to overreact, especially when it comes to things or people that threaten me in some way. Overtime I have built up quite the callous on my heart, which at first was there to guard me from getting burned, but as time went on and I experienced betrayal, disappointment, confusion, and pain from people and things which I had at one time loved and trusted, my callous turned into an ugly, unreasonable, and unforgiving wall. When threats came into my life and struck me in my areas of insecurity I was thrown into a state of burning anger which led to intense bitterness, overreacting behavior, and fierce hatred towards that which hurt me.

I have been pretty sick of all this for a while now, and I have been fighting to figure out a way to put an end to my weaknesses and soften my overly calloused heart. Strategies were put into action, time was devoted to meditation in an attempt to refocus and change, and countless prayers were lifted up, but nothing seemed to stick.

And then something happened. It wasn't some significant event in time. I actually don't remember what day it was or what I was doing or even if it happened at a single moment or over a period of time, but I know something has changed because I am finally moving towards restoration. What happened was this: I had lot's of realizations.

I realized that it doesn't help to wallow in my fear or let my mind wander into all the times in the past that I have been burned. The more I focused on the bad things that had happened to me, the more I lived in fear of threats that are not realities, and the more I grew unforgiving and bitter. My anger spells grew more frequent, my rage became untamable. I was not having the best of times.

But Jesus pulled me back in.*

He reminded me that the more I focus on whatever is good, noble, right, pure, trustworthy, honorable, excellent, and lovely the more I will grow in gentleness, humility, patience, kindness, goodness, self-control, joy, peace, love, and faithfulness. When these things are incorporated into my life, my struggles with anger, rage, bitterness, and fear will (and have already begun to) melt away. When threatening thoughts or realities come my way, I don't have to spin into another episode of crazy anger. Instead I can calmly say, "I trust Jesus and I love Him. I know He's got my back." 

This lesson is just beginning to settle in, and it's triggering all sorts of simple yet extraordinary revelations. Now when I sing to myself, "When I don't understand, I will choose You. When I don't understand, I will choose to love you God," I really mean it. No, I don't understand most things most days, but that doesn't change my ability to love my bestest friend in the whole wide world and sweetly remind myself of the goodness I can share and experience when I choose to think about Him instead of me. I no longer have to play the victim and pity myself when I am faced with threats. Instead I can push those thoughts out of my head and think upon all things excellent and praiseworthy. I no longer have to behave according to the flesh. Instead I can step into the fruits of the Spirit.

I no longer have to be consumed with darkness. Instead I can be invested in hope!

So there you have it, I've got my silver lining. I've got lot's of hope to hold on to. I love all of these thoughts so much and I have greatly enjoyed processing things through these blog posts. I doubt anyone even reads them, since they drag on and on nearly ever time. But for those of you who do happen to read this, thank you for listening. Even if it makes no difference in anyone's life, it makes all the difference to me. I'm on the fast track to healthiness, and I love it!

*Yay! Yay! Yay! Oh how He is good and always faithful to pull me back in to him :)

I have a reckless ambition to run.

I keep moving from place to place but I can't seem to find where I belong. I'm so unsettled and discontent with life here and I desperately want to move into a fuller and more abundant life and finally find a place where I can rest and be at home. It's not that I don't have a purpose or that I can't enjoy the things that I do each day, but I feel stuck in some way. Stuck in all sorts of in-betweens. I know that I have a purpose, I know that Christ brings me abundant life, I know that my home is not of this world. But that doesn't mean I don't feel stuck or that I don't struggle to live within Christ's abundance. Life's hard and it's not going to get easier any time soon.

Some days are better than others though. For example, I had one of the best days I've ever had in my life yesterday. I got to spend Sunday night with two of my dearest friends, staying up till three in the morning laughing until we couldn't laugh anymore and finding time in between all our giggles to spill our hearts out to one another. The next day we visited the camp we all worked at last summer and connected with the much beloved returning counselors. Every moment was filled with the most beautiful display of godly community as we shared our joys and pains, our triumphs and trials, and created new memories that we can forever hold in our hearts. Yesterday I felt like I was where I belong. I was where I was supposed to be. The people I love so much are my home.

Unfortunately those people are not around all the time. In fact, none of them live in my town or go to my school. So when I don't have the incredible opportunity to go "home" how do I escape my feelings of being stuck?

I run.

I run and run and run and try to find new places where I can belong. I ran to Ohio. I ran to the beach. I ran to Disney World. I ran to dance and books and music. And now I'm running to Australia. Maybe I shouldn't keep running for the sake of running, maybe I shouldn't keep trying to escape. Maybe I should find a way of not getting tired of people and places and just learn to find my home within me so that it's always there and I don't need to be somewhere or with someone to be at peace. But maybe not...

I think this is my problem--I love running away. I love finding new adventures. I love experiencing new places and meeting new faces. I love the thrill of adventure and the intensity of trials. I love being stretched to the point of breaking down, because I know that in the end running hard will bear much fruit and being broken opens up the door to being restored.

So which is better? Staying back and keeping it all together? Or running away and getting into all sorts of adventures? I've chosen Australia, I've chosen to run. Adventure here I come!!!

Some glimpses of the many adventures I've had the past couple of weeks!
"The sea, the sea, the sea. It rolled and rolled and called to me. Come in, it said, come in.

And in I went, floating, rolling, splashing, swimming, and the sea called, Come out, come out, and further I went but always it swept me back to shore.

And still the sea called, Come out, come out, and in boats I went, in rowboats and dinghies and motorboats, and after I learned to sail, I flew over the water, with only the sounds of the wind and the water and the birds, all of them calling, Sail on, sail on.

And what I wanted to do was go on and on, across the sea, alone with the water and the wind and the birds, but some said I was too young and the sea was a dangerous temptress, and at night I dreamed a terrible dream. A wall of water, towering, black, crept up behind me and hovered over me and then down, down it camebut always I awoke before the water covered me, and always I felt as if I were floating when I woke up."

-Sharon Creech, "The Wanderer"

"The sea, the sea, the sea. It rolled and rolled and called to me. Come in, it said, come in."

I have read Sharon Creech's children's story, "The Wanderer" about a thousand times, and I could probably recite this first chapter in my sleep. I have always felt so connected to this book, and I cry nearly every time I enter into the story and get swept away by the fears, excitement, dreams, dangers, trials, and triumphs that the characters share together. Just like the narrator of this first chapter, my heart longs for the sea. My soul hears the call to "come in and come out" further into its overwhelming waves. And I often listen.

This past week I have been blessed to enjoy a perfectly picturesque week at North Myrtle Beach with my parents and my grammy. There has been plenty of time for relaxation, sun bathing, reading while sitting with my feet in the waves, and enjoying long walks along the shoreline, but there has also been time for an intense amount of reflection and self-evaluation.

I am entering my senior year of college, and I'm spending the first semester of my last year of college in Australia without a single soul that I know. I am also figuring out the big and scary future with my boyfriend of four years, and besides that trying to see what sort of career I can have with a theology degree. I think my business minor might come in handy... Needless to say, there is a lot on my plate and it can be exhausting to take in at times.

Unfortunately, I am no good with responsibility and change. I like to think I am, which makes matters worse, but in reality I often act out of weakness and selfishness instead of stepping up to the plate and swinging as hard as I can. I don't normally give up, but in the past couple of months I've been catching myself in the act of retreat and concealment, and I've even given up a number of times. It's caused this windy path the Lord is taking my down to get even windier and I daresay I've formed my own inconvenient detours along the way...

By the kindness and mercy of God I have begun to see the dangers I am creating for myself and I'm starting to wake up from my slumber and confront many of the deep-seated issues that influence me to live in such a way that I refuse to accept. I've done some "hard" work the last couple of week to be rid of these issues but, as a weed that has been growing for years and developed roots deep within the soil, I need more than a few good tugs to pull out of the mess and grow healthy once again. So God, in all his goodness, gave me another tug in the midst of this beautiful and peaceful week.

I was on a little boat cruise to go see some dolphins when the Lord really got to me. Some other things had happened earlier in the week that had put me in a sour mood, but as I rode through the beautiful blue waves and looked out into the peaceful sky I realized how small I am and how Big and Powerful God is. My fears began to melt, my anxiety eased, my sourness sweetened, and I was left with the friendly presence of my only true lover. My Jesus whispered softly in my ear, "What does it matter child? Why are you holding on to those grudges so tightly? Why are you getting upset over nothing? Come out into the deep waters of my love and lay it all down. I'll take care of it, just don't you worry."

And so I did.

I smiled into the sun with the wind strong on my face and I released all my anger, all my fear, all my stubbornness, all my doubts... and freedom came flooding in.

Jesus is still sweetly whispering in my ear and reminding me "I'm only human" and I must strive to be a woman who "does good and not harm all the days of [my] life." And I'm still listening. After all, He's right. What does it matter? Why hold on to the negative when I could be embracing the positive?

I still need help to follow through with all the things I tell myself I will change, and I certainly need assistance recognizing the rest of my faults, but for now I am thankful that God has opened my eyes this much and has graciously forgiven me and given me the desire to be transformed into a Daughter of the Light.

Shine in me Jesus, I'm all Yours!
^^The view from my little boat cruise.
"You have called me higher, you have called me deeper, and I will go where you will lead me Lord.
I will be yours for all my life." 
Have you ever sought for answers but felt so fuzzy that you couldn't even get your brain working enough to begin? I have.

I doubt that sentence even made sense. I'm not really sure what I mean when I speak, but I know what I feel when the words come out. My heart knows what I mean better than my brain does, and I spend so much time each day pounding on its doors and asking if it will please open up and give me what I'm searching for. Hopefully as time goes on my mind and my heart will become friends and make pretty conversation with the rest of me. Hopefully.

But back to being fuzzy inside my head... I sit here, trying to think through things and make up my mind or at least make sense of how my soul is moving, but it appears as though my ability to think has escaped me altogether. As soon as my thoughts seem to be going down a sensible road, they just stop and trail off without giving me any hint of progress! 

How unfair.

So I'm brought back to what I'm always brought back to... faith and trust. I have faith that there are answers to all my questions, and I trust that God will reveal them fully to me soon. It's the waiting that gets me, but I know that if I wait patiently, and ask persistently, my seeking will not be empty. Will you seek alongside me?

As I wrote in my first post, I know that when God answers me it will be like a tidal wave crashing over me and sweeping me along without any work on my part. But how long will it be Lord? I long for Your waves to crash over me and sweep me away. 

I'm ready for you, fuzzy and all.

The day after I got home for summer vacation I took a whack at  G.K. Chesterton's famous novel, "The Man Who was Thursday." It is subtitled, "A Nightmare," and quite appropriately so, for it is an allegory of the chaos ensued by a people who rebel in the spirit of anarchy. For the most part, it was an enjoyable read with a few twists that were unexpected, and admittedly a few that I had seen coming about halfway  through, but either way it was cleverly written and immensely thought-provoking.
It revealed something about humanity and the way man presents himself. Each character was eventually exposed as something other than they were thought to be, and each was hiding under a disguise that completely masked what their true influence and position in life was. Even the whole of mankind seemed to be turning into something other than it truly is.
However, the core of each character's identity was eventually brought to the surface, as is the always the case in those who try to hide their true character. The very essence of who we are cannot be suppressed, however hard we may try, and time and time again it is clear that there is something deeper in humanity than is often credited. There is something "god-like" at our core. We long for goodness, truth, and security, but we so often lose these things when we seek it in places it simply cannot be found. The "hope of humanity" lies in the fact that they were created in the image of God and so long to be united with their creator. It is the vain pursuit of the lost that is truly a nightmare...a nightmare that leads to a hidden and chaotic society. Perhaps this is not exactly what Chesterton was emphasizing, but it is the main message that I gathered, and in all honesty I see the effects of such truth each and every day in the mistakes of the sinful and the redeeming works of the righteous. We were made in the image of God, so we ought to start imaging Him.


The second book I am have been reading this week is "Looking Backward" by Edward Bellamy. This is a utopian novel written in the late 1800s by a very passionate socialist. It depicts life in a Boston in the year 2000 under a perfectly content and thriving American socialist nation. The main character went to sleep in 1887 and woke up in 2000, which is easily explained away of course, and naturally he has many questions about the now unfamiliar city he had been living in.
So far the book has been pretty enjoyable, with much less of the regular excitement and suspense of an adventure novel, but it is full of interesting ideas of what a perfect socialist nation could be. I am about half way through right now, and as hard as the author is trying to romanticize and idealize socialism, I'm not even close to being sold. There are so many holes in his explanations and I just don't see how the life described could be enjoyable. There is no sense of risk or success or fulfillment. Even things as enjoyable as cooking and musical concerts are done away with and replaced by more efficient and structured systems of "achieving" the same results that a day spent in the kitchen and a night at a concert would provide. It just seems like the journey there is lacking, as in so many other examples.
The author had no concept of the future of technology, at least thus far he doesn't. It is very interesting to see how a nineteenth century viewed the future and how little his expectations can even be compared to the reality of our current culture. It is also interesting the roles that women play in this utopia. They don't seem to have much of a purpose besides enjoying the efficiency of socialism. The men are the ones who play a part in the socialist system of profession. How different things are different that this author could not even have imagined the sort of role women could play in a society that sought equality. The current vision of equality is extremely different than the nineteenth century socialist concept, but I would argue that is for the better.
I am interested to see where this book will end up and what sort of conclusions and suggestions the author has yet to make. I always will recommend utopian and dystopian literature, especially those written in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Others I have highly enjoyed include Player Piano, Brave New World, and of course 1984. A modern version of dystopian literature would be the Hunger Games.

I am also reading "So Long Insecurities" by Beth Moore. This book is gold. Read it, mark it up, read it again, and then lend it to a friend. Seriously, it is amazing. I think it would be well worth it for men to read it as well, so as to understand why us women are so nuts and why both genders react so incredulously at times.

Read On Friends! :)

I'm just a simple brown-eyed girl who's seeking out her Lord and Savior in the biggest way possible. I yearn to step into the challenging and adventurous plans he has for me, but lately those plans seem so scary.

I thought I knew God's will for my life. I thought it was all set out in front of me plain and simple. I knew when I'd get married, where, how, what I'd do afterwards and where I'd live, what seminary I'd attend, and what I'd do for a job, when I'd move back to my hometown, when I'd start having kids...the whole nine yards. 

But now my life is a blank slate. 

God is showing me that my will is not the same as His. So here I am, waiting patiently for an answer to the giant question mark that is my life, or even a hint of what is to come, and all the while I pray "not my will Lord, but YOURS be done." I made so many mistakes when I was following my own desires and I ran into so many disappoints when I was acting according to my own plans. I sit here confessing these things to God, and He's just shaking his head at me and saying, "Oh dear child, I hate to say this but, I told you so!!! I've been waiting for you to figure that out all your life."

Well God, I've figured it out. I will still make mistakes, I will still follow plans that I think are God's but are really my own, but I will no longer ignore His will because I am foolishly chasing after my own. I will no longer try to control the situations around me or do God's job for him. He asks me to wait. He asks me to trust. He asks me to let go and believe that what he provides is greater than anything I could have clung to.

So I'm letting go.

I'm letting go of my past. I'm letting go of my insecurities. I'm letting go of my dreams. I'm letting go of my plans. And what I will get in return for "losing" myself will be a greater gain than anything  I could have ever dreamt of or attained on my own. In time God will answer me, and when he does it will come like a TIDAL WAVE crashing over my soul and sweeping me into the overwhelming seas of his grace and favor.

Come Lord Jesus, come and wash over me.
"I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me." -Galatians 2:20